Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I don't know about the Phantom Freaks, either.

Known to few but felt by many, the Texas-Quebec connection produced some of the most important events of the 1980s, among other things, including the tv show "Starcade."*
In those days, people were much shorter, so tall folks could really do whatever they wanted and get away with murder -- literally. What began as a simple plan to fool Fidel Castro into playing a version of "Dragon's Lair" that was rigged with explosives, evolved into a nightmare of torture and bloodshed behind the scenes. President Reagan began to panic once word got around, and was forced to make VP Bush take drastic measures. George H.W. Bush quickly marshalled his own Texas connections, including some dudes with huge balls, to go up to Quebec themselves and toss some shit around the offices of the fuck-ups that were running the game.
Half of the Quebec contigent became quite scared after that, and left the project; these 5 men, who became known as the notorious "Quebecer Quintet," changed their focus towards taking advantage of what they anticipated as an impending power vacuum. Using their powerful skills, the Quintet tapped into some local anarchists and alcoholic, homeless Frenchies, ready to reap the whirlwind should Quebec sovereignty become a reality. Unfortunately, the Quintet again turned to their old tricks of torture and various forms of mind control. That manuever led directly the creation of Queensryche's seminal album "Operation Mindcrime". This, in turn, led to Queensryche trying to stage a comeback tour, which partially succeeded, I guess. This partial success has apparently led to the creation of OM:2, which hopefully will focus more on the Texas connection.
Anyway, once the original Quebec group was spilt apart by Bush, Sr.'s cronies, it left the Texas group floundering for support. They sought it out by funding the cocaine habit of John DeLorean, who they felt could develop a time-traveling futuristic vehicle that could be used to travel back in time to overthrow Castro successfully prior to the Bay of Pigs.
Once Reagan was informed of the Texas group's latest idea, he consulted Nancy, who consulted their Astrologer, Joan Quigley. Quigley warned Ronnie of the obvious -- that killing Castro prior to Bay of Pigs would mean that the Mafia and Lyndon Johnson would not have had the need to kill Kennedy, which would have of course led to Reagan remaining a B-movie star in California. Having none of that, Reagan again called in his trusted footsoldier, G.H.W. Bush.
This time, Bush wanted to make sure that there would be no consequence that could inspire Queensryche in the future, so he took the unusual step of visiting the Texas group himself. He approached their HQ one afternoon, alone, but wearing a Kennedy mask. Announcing himself as "the ghost of JFK", he sat down to lunch with them, offering them advice in much the same way that Christ did to his disciples after the resurrection. Of course, all he REALLY offered was disinformation designed to stop the DeLorean project; for example, telling them that there were a bunch of sex-starved hotties up in Quebec who were waiting for them. Of course, he couldn't produce any proof, being a ghost, and those virgins fell for it. Upon reaching Quebec, hoping for sweet relief of their cock problems, they met up with their Quebec cohorts. The Quebec group made haste in the work of taking the Texas boys into the caves beneath Quebec City, where they were assassinated by a troop of brown bears. Bush's Texas cronies triggered a small explosion, sealing off the caves, and the Quebec group was dispatched just as quickly.
DeLorean was left to find his own cocaine after that, and I think we all know what his project ultimately led to. Starcade's first host, Geoff Edwards, ended up in the witness protection program, but I've heard that he's an entertainer on cruise ships now. The children of Starcade went on to become the modern-day Manchurian candidates, such as John Lee Malvo, who did appear on the show in its final season, when they were accepting toddlers as contestants. We all know how things worked out for Bush. Castro, of course, masterminded the entire thing with telepathy, as always, and again won the game.
Of course, the Texas-Quebec connection continues to this day in ways that have gone further underground and that are unbeknownest to me, actually. I avoid them, due to their constant blundering, which is also done in 1920's slapstick style. Anyway, sorry I didn't write for the past few days. Jeeeeeeez.... major guilt trip from fiestawizard.

*make sure to visit the "Starcade Diaries" link on the sidebar, and check out, for sure, the Starcade Maze clip.


Blogger fiestawizard said...

Well, as it turns out, the guilt trips are quite effective in getting you to post. Some may not respond well, in fact some may refuse to post due to my indiscriminate guilt tripping. However, I just want everyone to know that the guilt is only aimed at those that it motivates. I'll leave it at that.

Needless to say, in this case, I think we can all agree that any measure taken was well worth the received outcome of the Texas-Quebec explanation. Most certainly, the whole things does involve both the Bush family, time machines, and Queensryche- I had that queasy feeling all along. I did know that the right wing was somehow behind Quebec's inability to gain sovereignty- I just didn't know it involved some "good ol' boys lookin' for whoores."

Continuing the conversation regarding Queensryche, I think we can all thank our multiple gods for not giving them the anger they needed to write OM:2- believe me, the album would wreak some havoc with outstanding rockin' guitars, but it would also cause uprising riots and civil war; most people don't have enough food supplies left over after millenium computer scare. Oh boy, that was a funny little scare, with the world on the brink of instant disaster ironically because we just wanted to keep a good count on the time since Christ was born. Anyway, a student in my class got to talking about Queensryche one day after class. Of course Operation Mindcrime is the main topic of interest that was introduced into the conversation early on. He proclaimed that it was the only Queensryche album worth listening to, after which I suggested that Empire isn't too bad. Overall though, he's pretty much right, especially since now they're charging $45 to see their live performance; as if that's not as ironic as Zack de la Rocha being in a Levi's commercial. "Who do you trust when everyone's a crook.?" I don't know, but I guess if there's a chance that the Queenryche conspiracy theory could ever become reality, then $45 is well worth the brainwashing that you will receive to counteract the previous government brainwashing.

1:37 PM  

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