Sadistic Christmas Memoirs
Jesus Christ - the Christ child, etc. It's his birthday, and you better damn well respect it. I've expressed interest in the subject almost every year. I've learned a lot I'd say, too much perhaps. Wrap your mind around this: one little known fact is that a group of industrialists got together about 100 years ago (today) and created Christianity, Jesus's supposed birth date and the subsequent holiday festivity plans. Don't let the history books fool you stupid, this is reality. Scrap the holy wars, the inquisition, the religious malarkey related to the black plague - it was all fabricated (very well as a matter of fact) to get you to purchase a bunch of shit. I hope you're happy. We now measure our success personally and as a nation based on how much shit we purchase. This year the country lies somewhere on the scale between completely fucked up and halfway to the monetary goal. I'm not the one who's encouraging you, keep in mind, but please go out there as soon as is possible and buy a puppy calendar or at least rayon hat. Thanks.
Labels: ancient rites, christ specials, one step at a time, sardonic map show, slowing the growth of the economy, spanish glory, tickled by the pope, two steps to the grave
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