Sunday, January 02, 2011

Into the 2011 year (on the eve of apocalypse)

Finally, we lie on the eve of immortality, or total destruction and doom depending on which side of the temple you like best. Van Impe has maintained (after his last prediction, last year, came and went) that the second coming is in 2012. Van Impe, as previously stated, bases none of his theories on science, but prefers to rely on the divine, which is more accurate according to many prominent texts.

Frank Jennings Tipler III however, is clearly Van Impe's primary opposition. Tipler, a mathematical physicist and cosmologist, hypothesized the "Omega point," a point at which infinite computational resources are available, is in the near future, around 2057 to be exact. According to Tipler, this point is associated with God, and thus Jesus somehow, and then becomes the second coming.

Okay, wow. Tipler does use some science to cover his ass, whereas Van Impe has been using TV and biblical verses read quickly and repetitively to sell his gimmicks. Van Impe has to stay on TV, I understand, so it turns out that providing incorrect predictions is the only way he can stay afloat. Well, I guess if his doomsday prediction did come true one day none of what he ever said previously would matter, unless of course he was not a true believer, which would be disappointing to his other loyal, and non-true believer viewers who would be "left-behind" as Kirk Cameron has advertised. On the other hand, Tipler is also staying afloat writing books while being on the notably flimsy and "undisciplined" (as his colleagues have criticized) side of science. I can appreciate that, as all great men of any real scientific substance have always colored outside the lines. Nobody really believed Einstein until he was already dead. So yes, as a matter of personal taste, I like Tipler better I guess, and that was the whole purpose of this essay: who do I like better, Van Impe of Tippler? Well, there's my answer.

Contrary to my personal tastes, I still hope that we are finally only 24 months away from the second coming as Van Impe has finally predicted. "Jesus Christ," I'm always saying in the hopes that he will come back. Although I'm not yet sure what benefit this might have for me, as I've not gone to church in some time. But, like, whatever, it would be pretty cool. Besides, Van Impe turns 80 this year, meaning that there's probably not a lot of predicting left in him, and me and God both hope that he goes to the grave with no regret or guilt... besides the type that most men of religious zealotry have by this time in their lives, if you know what I'm saying.


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