Saturday, October 15, 2005

Of the different topics (to address)

I have decided upon creating a new post to explain, answer and discuss B.O.R.T.'s various comments and questions. Various varied and various items. I'm no Christian conservative, Jesus knows. I rented Atomic Cafe, I hope to see humorous public service messages and attain insight. You saw Berkshire at the video store and you were unable to build up the courage to confront him. Unrelated items, varied (various). Vary with me. Call Berkshire, then call Drago Ford. Tell him that you can't find Mike Wiest anywhere. Where is he? Ask that too. Then warn him of potential future doom and hang up quick. Call me after that. Read a good newspaper or book during down times.

To your questions: Ufoid stopped posting for god knows why. He really doesn't have internet access and prefers to stay out of the fray. He may be in the same boat as you and I BORTY, as in he has nothing to rant about at this time. I do have rantings, but my mind won't allow me to assemble them in a general manner. Sometimes that's good, but it's gone beyond that and has fallen back into the gray matter (what drugs will take care of this?). You have to work on young children with instruments and chemicals at the local institution, I only have to work with the students at the other institution. My job carries much less responsibility, and I certainly can't complain (or be responsible for anyone's death). That's cool by me. Don't let that wreck your nerve when you're putting someone under the knife. Keep that knife away from my face while you're at it. Anyway, that's always my point, to find that point where I can do everything I want, while doing anything I want. That makes sense to me at least. Keep the scene alive.

About the new materials - this is what I have:
*a very long story, of which a bit of it has been seen
*several shorter bits of story (actually, just a bunch of half-written shit, some of which is good... I'd say in my defense)
*two country songs I wrote (once, when I heard country on the radio and hated it so)
*at least one religious exposè
*archived Wahl documents
*A medley of KJOE commercial tracks... nearly finished with editing

Anyway, a bunch of stuff... I don't know where to start, where to end. Votes will be taken. Also, I'd like to do something like "Weird Menace" again. So, don't believe me if you don't want to sucker, but you'll be sorry, you will be. By the way, that guy Stanley (Stan) did return that horror/hatred orb. What a weird fucker he was, bringing it all up in my face like it were. Heavy duty shit.


Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

wow, i missed the weird menace post i guess. must defer comment on the rest of your post, as i re-read the W.M. and allow my mind to be blown. will post more later tonight hopefully.

1:51 PM  
Blogger fiestawizard said...

Good, this will provide you (briefly as it may be) with the much sought after new material. It's too bad you missed it the first time around...

6:31 PM  
Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

Tell me about "Atomic Cafe." Should I watch it? I know the basic premise.

Regarding the Googling of old frenemies, there is in fact only one "Wyatt Pollert" on the face of the earth, and it turns out that he wrestled for a college team in a town known to all who grew up in it. Or who failed to grow up, in my case.

Googling "Ryan Gutzwiller" yields irrelevant results, however. Not surprising, but disappointing, because... I have to be honest: I can't remember what Gutsy even looked like. And I NEVER called him that, although it's what the others would come to call him. A good nickname if there ever was one.

It's odd, memory. Sure, I smoked my share of grass (and some other people's shares, I suppose) back in the daze, and did other ill-advised things to my synapses over the years; but do I really deserve to not remember the face of a former "best friend"? It seems cruel. "Thanks a lot, God," I said. I guess August Berkshire was right.

Has this happened to you? I don't even have dreams about Gutsy. I have dreams about lots of other friends, including Grieb (which is sad, yes indeed). I even have dreams about an old poodle we used to have, who shall remain nameless. So if I remember the dead, why not the living?

Don't worry about the rantings, or lack thereof, or the responsibility of your job, because I too seek the path of least resistance most often. This allows me to earn the infinite rocket launcher in Resident Evil 4. You can't do things like that if you're trying to learn, study, work, fall in love, pet the cats, paint the trim, and carve the turkey. No sir. You have to prioritize!

In that vein, onwards. I look forward to the new material as much as I looked forward to Gutsy getting Zelda II for Christmas, back when faces were places and maces were jaces.

10:20 PM  
Blogger fiestawizard said...

If you do get to reading this... I actually do remember old Gutsy's face, or as I like to call him "Gusty." Rhymes with rusty. Anyway, I also remember this guy Freddie, whom you would perform Blackstone's magic with. You don't remember him.

Also, I know a lot of people that have old friends, old friends that were pot sharing tots, as George Clinton said (in his day, each man's was his own). They remember each other well even in a high haze. Why? Because people who love smoking the reefer love only one thing more: people who will smoke it with them. My advice for you: find Gutsy and toke it up for awhile, after all, that's what he's doing now.

9:19 PM  
Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

Ye Gods... you're right! All right, then, I hereby swear an oath: Should Gutsy and I ever cross paths again, I shall make an effort to smoke marijuana with him (in a ceremonial fashion only, holding it in for less than 5 seconds per toke). If I should nevertheless go one toke over the line, Sweet Jesus, then it's destiny, and may I then forget all OTHER faces.

But that won't happen. I will honor this oath for the rest of my life however; so if anyone's reading this in 2067 and you want to find me and claim that you are in fact Ryan Gutswiller, then do it you shall.

As far as Freddie goes, I remember only freckles and a nonspecific speech impediment. He seemed to enjoy that Blackstone bullshit, though... I think? But that I wouldn't have remembered unless you jogged my hippocampus back there.

"Selective amnesia's the story..."
--- Megadeth "Hangar 18"

10:24 PM  

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