Friday, July 14, 2006

Sublimnal Pancreatic Massage (and I feel fine)

Here it is, as promised. A month in the works, but worth my time. I will someday present it at a Super 8.

Cultic Visions


Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

I almost died, watching the slide show.

Do you think that Jesus will be upset about the K-Mart sign over his head?

Especially effective were the "spinning" and "woozy" effects employed at various times. To me they said, "obey."

If only there was some easy way to widely distribute this, fiestawizard. I mean, if people read this blog, ever, or if people searched google for "cult" or something. That would be awesome.

In the meantime, I've already arranged a time to give the seminar at my local Public Library. It's open to all of course, advertised as part of their ongoing "Make New Friends at the Library!" campaign. So far 3 people have signed up, which ain't bad for the library.

12:17 PM  

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