Monday, October 15, 2007

Light My Fire (Jim Morrison was a wuss!)

There is this thing you will come across by going to the i-Doser webs. It does indeed make the lead singer of The Doors seem like a well-adjusted young man in retrospect.

Anyway, it is a collection of downloadable "Binaural Beats" that were supposedly created to re-create the effects of various exogenous mind-altering chemicals, psychopharmacologics, analgesics, endogenous hormones, neurotropics, and hard-core street drugs. Also, life-altering spiritual experiences and close encounters with other beings.

Does it work? I don't know... yet. You need headphones. Maybe it creates a real experience. Maybe not. Anecdotes circulating suggest that even people who try a "dose" in a "blinded" way and don't know the "name" of the "dose" they're listening to do indeed show effects consistent with the alleged dose.

My heart wants to try some, but my brain says, "Please be gentle with me." My spine is also slightly frightened (but it cannot talk so I ignore it).

Will I lose control of my bowels? Will my prostate shrink (or worse, enlarge to a painful and debilitating degree)? Will I drown in a shallow pool of _____? Will I join a nomadic group of cultists?

Either way, there's no way I'm paying for this bullshit. I plan to "share" it via the "sharers" on the "bittorrent" networks. The whole collection weighs in at 11 GB. Screw that.

Well, now is not the time to experiment with this, but on an airplane might be all right. We shall see.

And just for the record, they do offer a "dose" of Adrenochrome (props to H.S.T., may he rest in pieces).


Blogger fiestawizard said...

And BORT is back motherfuckers! Any boy, does that sucker know how to cast a link or two our way. However, the link attached to the title doesn't work so you may want to incorporate new, "new age" internets techniques to better handle the future onslaught of readers. I will check all of this out at work tomorrow (on break). After work I will go to the Koss headquarters and snoop around a bit, hoping to find the answers. The answers, oh, the answers. The universal wonderings we've all had for so long, soon to be uncovered for what they actually are son.

10:59 PM  
Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

link fixed, now in first sentence.

anyway, my investigations into this have begun. i've listened to or "taken" several of the doses already with the primary effects being tinnitus and a loose sense of cohesion.

the work will continue, of this i can assure you.

be careful at Koss International, however, because they have RAVENS that will PECK your EYES OUT if you stray too far into the inner sanctum.

1:48 PM  
Blogger fiestawizard said...

How'd you come across this? Maybe it's better that I don't ask? Or maybe I should ask, to see if you need assistance of any sort. Inner sanctum entered - I'm going to use these aural projections to write my next blog entry... let's see what comes to mind.

10:01 PM  

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