Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mystical urban decay conversion

The one week passing of officially being in a new dungeon level offers no outwardly apparent knowledge, and certainly no beacons of sympathy. Deeper investigation indicates that one man did explain to me (without my eye contact or obvious curiosity) that he did indeed drink, "... so much Pepsi at the Brewers game. I mean, let's just say way too much. And, I work there." He was a friendly lumbering man with a overly large face, so I referred him to the gas station attendant and stepped out of his general path.

Rule #2 - there are no rules!

That's the only message I've been able to develop and deliver in a messianic manner to the children of the neighborhood thus far. They have not taken it well adn have been promising revenge for several days solid. Carnando reflected on the situation as he set aside his hat for a better day. He had a moist, caky sore on his face, but refused to explain it to his mother or expose it to the other kids. The fact is that I have nothing more for them, not even a bag of rumple. Sorry kids.

Rule #3 (better known as lesson in a bottle) - do not disturb the ceremonial flask

The beaches are generally foul and bright. Facilities cast shadows and overwhelm nature's aura. We happened upon a stainless steel vase. Sacred chants were likely phrased by others. We were not phased. The flask, swaddled in a bright and new shirt containing three fruit melons, was requesting attention. Whitey split it with her tooth. It was subsequently cranched with a stick. The contents were as follows:

- two leaves
- up to 20 gold plates with foreign writing, wrapped in two directions with two cuts of red textile.
- several stones of varying color
- Indian 1 Pice
- red necklace

A refusal to take it was likely upsetting to the overlords, but left me feeling guiltless. I counted my curses with my free fingers and set up a permanent wish list that will hopefully keep me out of the fiery hell path. Several of the mysterious Hindi ceremonial items were plundered and an attempt was made to smash the melon fruits and the justice that was meant to be. Judgement will come forth, but likely in unknown, non-culturally traditional ways. I will wait in fear in a tight crying ball.

Rule #65 - Repeat and succeed.

Additional rules and ways of life will be questioned and transformed in the coming weeks. A forecast of all events will be displayed in the coming days. Remember, each day is an upright struggle for internal peace to obtain a piece of the pie. I remember once when this creed was put to test. A great man started his own floor mat bartering service and never looked back. Believe it or not.


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