Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Scaring Bridge

I'm posting for the first time, which is a scary and weird sensation, kinda like that time I smoked that shit I bought from "Schlafs" which turned out to be pencil shavings mixed with glue and sage. My sense of smell, and of spell, hasn't been the same since.

My first post for all of you... all TWO of you... introduces you to another blog system, known as CaringBridge, which is for sick people, or families of sick children, or simply for fans of sickness -- the latter being the case with this page, which is from some local folks well known to B.O.R.T., and now to all of you, too. Click through to "Read past journal entries," noting that there are also some photos that one should view for context... and as they used to say in Pole Position, "Prepare to Qualify."


Blogger fiestawizard said...

"And to know that he is only a fellow" This statement, made regarding a doctor, or a good friend or fellow. I'm not really too sure about what they're referring to throughout this post, but it has to do with Lizzy's ailment I guess. Mostly, I'm just unable to make sense of, or get over the fact that the word "will" is continuously used in place of the word "well." Which, by the way, is also overused in my opinion. Anyway, good luck Lizzy with your skin rash!

10:28 PM  
Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

Yes, it's all very unclear, indeed. The basic story is that this old woman and her old husband "adopted" this young girl, and proceded to slowly make her the victim of their need to have a severly ill child. so they fucked her up, as documented in their caringbridge posts over 2-3 years. they went to court, and lost. the "Grandma" is a strange bird, who uses all kinds of funny language, such as "say a pray" instead of "prayer", "will" instead of "well" and many other weird ones. also, there is a post from a few months back detailing how the radio was sending her a special message. so... you see... there is no end to the madness in our world, and what we see when we encounter folks is only the tip of a very cold and cracked old iceberg, sometimes.

11:14 PM  
Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

btw, lizzy is out of the home and doing great now.

11:14 PM  
Blogger fiestawizard said...

I just read more of the past journal entries. Wow. I really don't know what the fuck is wrong with that girl, mostly because of the language barrier. She had a port taken out, I know that much. Also she had lots of "funges" and was on the "heart monster" for several consecutive days. In any case, tell me more about those types of people, or the "Caring Bridge" organization. Explain your experiences, siting examples and characters as needed.

10:09 PM  

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