Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Like Bruce Dickinson said...

Well, I really shouldn't be posting now, as I'm only procrastinating. Doing other work however, leads me to consider a few other points. I recently watched the movie "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner," a British film from the early '70's. One of the first of the now popular troubled teen movies, which reached a pinnacle of popularity in the era of after-school specials. Of course, my interest grew in this movie as I realized that it was also a song by Iron Maiden (from "Caught Somewhere in Time). So, I read the lyrics, and then, right then and there, I realized that it was about that movie. "Wow," I thought with interest and delight as I fed myself a spoonful of baby food (squash, in light of the season). Then I thought of the song "Quest for Fire," which is also a movie. Now it's not so funny when Bruce says, "In a time when dinosaurs walked the earth...." Which was always ridiculous sounding to me. Iron Maiden can really re-tell a story with soaring solos and a galloping base line. So, I clearly talk about Iron Maiden too much on here, but go somewheres else if you don't like it lad. Don't complain to me when Ed Hunter shows up knockin' at your door looking for spare change, What? Okay.

Secondly, I wanted to say (briefly, and without much detail) that the Badger Herald is a fairly worthless piece of rag (even for wiping your asshole). They've failed to acknowledge that they have been not only dead wrong in their criticism of the TAA, but also moronic. I know one doesn't usually admit to the latter, and understandably so, but the writer of certain articles should at least admit obvious errors. Errors about their own person, which (or so I thought) is the easiest sort of research, even for complete fucking idiots. Second graders can tell me what school they go to and that they are in fact in elementary school. But then again, I guess dead people don't necessarily know they're dead. So far, they've printed none of the responses the TAA's made, which amounts to about six or so. Even if they print them now, the issue is out of sight and out of mind for most readers. Ethics in journalism anybody? I'll be happy to serve them up right when they come to be, on a paper plate with some canned pineapple and a bean dish I specialize in.

By the way, NYU is on strike, send your support. A recent decision made by the NLRB made it okay for private universities to "de-classify" grad students as employees. Thanks a lot, says NYU.


Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

i would like to try the bean dish, too, please.

9:29 AM  

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