Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Celebrity Justice doom

Today, as I woke up after my hour-long MacGyver session, I was accidentally caught watching Celebrity Justice. This is often the case for me, but to my credit, I do change the channel almost immediately. The top story today was that David Blaine was being sued by Minnesota crazy man Chris Roller. For what ask? Mr. Roller claims that David Blaine stole his God-like powers. He also sued David Copperfield once. If I weren't semi-interested in claimed God-like powers, the story would have ended here. It didn't, and so I turned to the only other thing that I knew had God-like powers to assist me in learning more - the internet. Anyway, he's got his own site that explains all of his different stories and things. He's got plenty to talk about, and you can certainly recognize his computer-programmer/nerdy guy persona. I believe he is attempting to create humor, but at the same time he exposes his underbelly of self-doubt and low self-esteem. Well, see for yourself, I just might drop him a line sometime while using caution as to not get sued.


Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

holy shit. what is this show? this guy is not really attempting humor that much. he is instead what some would call "paranoid and delusional" maybe bipolar or schizophrenic. others would say "just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you."

i read as much as i could handle, including following many links on his site. wow. stuff about magic babies, messages received from the Game of Life, The God of Christopher, Dawning of the Second Age, how Conan O'Brian is attractive, Tom Hanks movie connections, unraveling time, and so much more. he kinda lost me for a while with the multiple timelines stuff, though.

note that on the bottom, he gives thanks for the IBM dictation software. this is something that allows free-thinkers like him to spill their ideas freely onto the web, like magic. oops. maybe not like magic. sorry, chris.

if his life really is A Truman Show, which it may be indeed, then i think i'm an 8, because i fit the following criteria: "For example, like when I fart in the cubicle shortly before they enter - instead of fainting at the repulsive odor, they somehow bare the stench and simply pretend it never happened, or joke about it in a fun way."

i once had a similar delusion actually, because i watched that movie once and then a few days later did some mind-altering chemical (this was in college, and bad judgement, so let's just move on). anyway, i was having a very active delusion of my life being a movie. it was really scary. it must be interesting to live that reality every single day. i guess he's supposed to be taking some meds... however if you read carefully, he names them as 2 of the chemicals (zyprexa and risperdol) that helped open up his tank to being able to hold more angels and more of heaven, which is basically a new level of power. so that's great.

is there a way to hang out with this guy for a few hours? could i handle it? no, and no.

his theme song: "it's magic" by the cars.

1:35 PM  
Blogger fiestawizard said...

This guy does make a few references to his "humor" that nobody can really understand, etc., etc. If you look at his picture page, you'll read about this, and it's also in his "biography" type thing. All of this makes me describe him as this: annoying, delusion that he is very funny in an interesting way when actually he is just a nerdy fellow kicking around some strange semi-philisophical questions about existence. Remember, he was a claimed nuclear engineer, turned programmer, turned bum. I know how these types think. Anyway, who cares- he does have the guts (however much it takes) to sue famous magites (except Blackstone (good luck)).

Maybe he is on drugs. Since I don't really want to feel like I'm in a TV show (unless their is a live audience in my delusion), I don't think I'll attempt to create one as I'd never be sure as to what would occur. Congratulations on your success though. I'd like to know more but since you mentioned we should just move on, that's fine too.

4:42 PM  

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