Monday, September 25, 2006

My Opportunity Knocks

MCAT review. Do you remember that shit? Not me, but I might like to be the instructor for a review session.

Dear Tony,

Thanks for your response! We will be in Madison sometime in the next two weeks to conduct interviews, but unfortunately do not have a specific date yet; we will be in touch very soon with that information.

At the interview, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your teaching skills and style. Please prepare a five minute interactive teaching presentation. While your teaching subject is completely your choice (it can range from how to tie a neck-tie to something a bit more academic like history), please make sure you choose something that lends itself to a group dynamic. We will be looking more at your style than the content of your instruction. We are looking for candidates who can
communicate a topic in a clear, exciting, and fun way. Show us your energy and enthusiasm, and be sure to emphasize the interactive nature of effective teaching by asking leading questions that you can incorporate into your lesson. I have attached a document that further details the purpose and expectations of the teaching demonstration.

Thanks again for your interest - I look forward to meeting with you!

Kirkpatrick Rimesten (name changed for confidentiality)

Hmmmm, what could I do as an "example" presentation that's fun and interactive? Oh, that one about cults you suggest, from my presentation archives? Okay I guess. My use of graphical tools will astound! The pre-med students are destined for cult like behavior anyway, the way I see it. You know.


Read this.


Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

they will enjoy the cult powerpoint and it will help them immensely in their endeavors. i applied to teach for kaplan mcat courses once, and my fake presentation was "how to wash clothes," which i did completely impromtu without having thought ahead about it at all. the problem with that topic was that, you know, i don't really know how to wash clothes the "right way." so... i didn't get the job. this was back when i had that killer job playing video games however, so i didn't really give a shit about kaplan.

good luck to you however.

which reminds me, no, i haven't really ever played penn and teller's video game. it's like a holy chalice.

7:16 AM  
Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

whenever we drove by the interstate exit sign that announced "oriska-fingal," i always wondered "who, if anyone, lives in fingal? and how does one pronounce it?" now i know the answer to the first part of that question.

but i really can't believe milo buchholz when he says that he spends many hours calling into talk radio. no way! not that guy.

i enjoyed his rocket theory, however. was it over my head? yeah, sure, a little. but still, i can appreciate the effort.

i have learned a new theory as well, involving corn. there was a book about it apparently. it's actually a pretty good theory. you know it?

7:21 AM  

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