Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Three Freedom Hats and Some Nachos Please

... the only two commemorative items for sale at the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. And tragic it was, as the cheese sauce was nothing more than "3 gallon pale cafeteria cheese colored cream." Nothing says, "we're a free country" like having a half-chewed ball of yellow corn chips mixed with the required amount of this yellowed delightful lubricant. It goes without saying that this gratitude filled treat says nothing short of "thanks for the bravery Mr. Rescue Worker - I hope your lung diseases and cancers feel better soon."

So, you're back to school, and all you care about is NOT caring about hitting it big-time. Well, I hate to tell you this, but you've fallen right out a typical egomaniacal quicksand trap. Good work, but it sucks for you. You now have developed the recipe for going big-time - not giving a shit about making it big. Everybody that's ever made it to this ultimate plateau of personal wealth made it there by exactly this recipe - Styles from Teenwolf, Bill Gates, the guy from the Breakfast Club, William Burroughs, and Santa. Not proven by fact per se, but by my own set of definitions, buried deep within the invisible shadows of my skunky mind. Congrats - with your new attainment, you will join these people.

I've drank the maximum amount of coffee per day thanks to you. Wow, not sleeping for 50 hours makes me type in ultra high level mode (mode16c for those technologists out there). Also the lack of sleep makes the screen very pointy and contoured. Due to the lack of sleep, I thought the only way out might be L.A. Heat (or L.A. Vice, no difference). I can only say that it provided me with no time to sleep, as the knockdown, blowout, fisticuffs action practically crushed my entire body through the screen. So, it's not as bad as the Killing Zone, even though they use the same music and possibly some of the same scenes (not just footage, like of the city for example, but scenes with actors. Money doesn't grow on trees you see.) But, it's got some heft to it; the characters and plot that is. People die unnecessarily and without consequence, it's true, but the deaths show a facet of the lead character that would not otherwise be apparent to the viewer... etc., etc., other movie critic type language that might appear on So, it's got Jim Brown and a jakcet of dynamite, need I say more?


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