Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Surveilance Operation #0067

I apologize for this high posting rate that right now sits at about 0.5/hr. But, as luck would have it, some strange events have transpired. Normally, "strange events" would include undercooked hotdogs, strange mold on wall and/or floor, multiple viewings of somebody I think I see outside my window, running out of scotch tape, or waking up on my couch with my glasses and/or neck bent out of shape. Now, tonight I didn't deserve any door visits, but it was insisted upon. Apparently Miriannna (as I will refer to her as), the older lady upstairs, knocked at my door, smelling lightly of booze. She claimed to be on the phone with the landlord, and he wanted to talk to me about helping out at a "sale." I was confused, then curious, but either way I still only cracked the door about 3 inches. My dog was itching to sink her teeth into warm, blood soaked flesh. She has bloodlust, did I mention that? So anyway, I tell her that I'll call him to get her away from the door zone. I won't call him, but she leaves. That would normally end this type of shenanigan in a safe and sterile manner, but not this night. She knocked again a while later with pen in hand and, with some caution, I gave her a fake name and phone number. For some unknown reason, she was the conduit of information for my landlord. He encourages her to drink, then has her do odd jobs around the building; clean floor mats, wash out light fixtures, search for lost change. Then, I thought, what if she was just taking my information for her own personal "young man" collection? She seems to be the type afterall. Soon enough though, my landlord (Neubauer we'll call him) called me and asked me if I was looking for work at the "sale." Oh, maybe moving a few items, helping with some loading, or maybe even painting some new sign, I thought. No, no, I'm afraid what he's looking for is a good night-watchman. That's right, a typical 10 pm - 7 am job for a couple of days watching sale items sit at some community center. "When I thought who might be interested, I thought of you," said Neubauer. Hmmm, yes. And if something gets tampered with? He's willing to give me an old Louisville and some gas grenades he says. Me... is who you can always count on. MEEE!!!


Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

this is highly suspicious for a human-slave auction type of event. be careful, because you might find YOURSELF up for sale!

5:03 PM  

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