Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Mastermind's Dirty Secret

The good word seems to be missing. The truth is no longer in production. This is as much my fault as it is yours, but you (unfortunately) will bear the full brunt of the final consequence. Your sacrifices will allow my posting again on a regular basis. My notes state that the colorful mountain of readers insist upon nothing but this. So, I will proceed, and then prevail.

Concerto de Madison update - Queensryche will be playing here on Friday, in their entireties, Op Mindcrimes I and II. In their motherfucking entirety! Wow, too bad I'm not willing to shell out $52, which happens to be 52% of my known funds. It's convenient to have those two keys so close to one another in economic times of disparity such as these. Anyway, $52 is a motherfucking mindcrime, in it's entirety.

My creation of the Envangelical Hell-beast graphic spawned a not-so-feasible idea for me - infiltrate the envangelical policital circus and write a little about it. Why unfeasible? Because personally I know once the Lord Jesus gets into my heart, my writing hand begins to fade in power. Also, I'd be a tool of the Devil himself, infiltrating Jesus's crack political team like that and stabbing them in the back. I'll keep it in mind though for when I run out of funding for my other operations (funds currently provided by the elderly purchase of fictitious candy bars... mmmmm, almonds AND caramel).

Oh, and hitting the headlines right now in my house, as part of my monstrous TV watching project, I purchased Friday the 13th VI - Jason Lives. I remember this quite well from my childhood, and having been considering this $3 purchase for sometime. Well, let me tell you! Please, let me tell you. It was great. "... he's the man behind the mask, and he's out-of-control. The man!.. (reapeat)" I remember this song so well, and I've secretly been craving it for years. Then I found out that it's an Alice Cooper tune, which gives the movie slightly more credit, since really it only made me go to sleep and have a dream last night that my dad killed somebody (I gave him the okay) and I felt the reality of facing life in prison, a phobia of mine. The feeling that is. Really though, I was just tired, and it's not an all bad show considering the era in which it was made. The late 80s were a time of sandbox play and acid rain. My late 80s consisted of marshmallows, rainbows, ice skating under the stars, and golden lollipops. So, yeah, overall, what?

Things have officially started now for myself, so off to the bed for me. After watching Toxic Avengers II, which I also bought in tandem with the other magnetic tape device. Check this out just for something to do. Then criticize it. Personally, I have four(4) new pairs of shoes.


Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

In order of paragraphs:
1) sorry. writing power dwindles as I return to the world of classes. your current post was soothing to me on a level that I can only equate with the word "softliness."

2) sorry about that. I helped them set that price. seemed fair at the time, geoff!

3) did you hear about the cops in tennessee (i think) who were selling macadameia nuts disguised, somehow, as crack to catch the, um, crackheads? they caught 21 of 'em! neat.

4) your phobias are ill-founded. do you know what F.E.A.R. stands for?

well, i'll tell you.


That's the quote of the day. You can take it or leave it.

5) I checked it out. Best part was the concrete table. Heavy. Also the floor plan.

Your shoes have already developed such a strong odor, am I right?

6:55 PM  

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