Monday, September 11, 2006

Dual Post of Saul (part 2 of 2)

Feeling like this” nobody” made me feel happy; much needed independence from all those people who seemed to be plotting against me. My tense left bicep reminded me of my poor use of verb tenses in my current narration. Disregard that. My father was once said to have obtained a dangerous cobra from a street market peddler. That snake is to have said to have taken my father off to the dimension of the serpent, where my father was turned into Serpentor. It’s a much more likely story, I realized as I walked alone, that he had actually been buried alive as he tried so hard to excavate his way to financial freedom in the Czhecik open-pit copper mine. Maybe a snake played a hand, but I doubt he ever became a snake dimensional monarch, as my mother had suggested. My family was indeed fucked up, which quite possibly could be one of the contributing factors to my current conundrum. All signs pointed towards everyone's life being fucked up in this area. The tumors, the children without faces, the poisoned wells (all could be taken literally or symbolically). I had certainly come full circle.

One would have to sit back in his or her cozy yet grease caked Lazy Boy reclining chair at this moment to contemplate the reality of it all. Was this all real? Could real life really be a coincidental series of torturous and troubling events; everyday causing my fear of hopeless destructive and bloody defeat? Or was this all someone’s game of madness? Possibly a controlled virtual reality experiment that I was a part of. Old “Professor” Hamal had once explained to me that it’s quite possible that advanced beings, maybe even humans living in future times, simply played games using other humans as the action figures. This could only be made possible by the tool of the Devil himself. Everyone knows that all the pressure exerted by the man from above and/or below will simply result in a system in which too many conveniences lead to deadly worlds of imagination and adventure to safely soothe the animal in us all. Listen to me, I’ve been reduced to a Chomsky-type conspiracy theorist only with a ravaged and dumb mind. What a fool believes, just like Michael McDonald told me that time (I once had the backstage passes). Anyway, after Hamal told me this, he put his scarves back over his bloody scars, gathered his belongings, and weakly crawled back onto his smashed cycle. Nobody would ever tell him again that he couldn’t ramp that fucker while shuffling two decks of cards at once (mashing his gears wildly); it’s what they’d been doing for years out there. He once rolled five Yahtzees straight I’ve been told. Once again, a good man gone to the eastern booth, on the western side of town, never to gracefully speak of prophecy again. Sure enough, I was on my way to the booth now, which is a half-way house shaped as such. I would have to muster the courage to speak again with the only acquaintances that could get me within the walls of my own mind. They understood of its complex geometric borders.

I’d been living with disconnect between the normal linearity of my daily tasks and my better half, but only now did I realize that I’d been missing something important. It seems that few want me to make this discovery, while some good old time friends are assisting me unintentionally. My uncle for example. His previous points and plan were taking form, whether he intended them to or not. The disconnect was unnatural, but had been forced upon me since birth. The forcing system I wanted to understand, and I wouldn’t doubt those Virelics and the Melcko Wizardry Syndicate somehow fit in, as they’d been forcing me for at least today to annihilate my bike and face, and walk a good distance with poor shoes. The only question I must write down in my notebook is whether or not those demons were within me and they knew of them, or if they were simply another routine activity part of my normal linearity. I would get some insight.

The month of December is fast approaching. Within this month comes more documentation of reality via television resources. New scripts will be accepted. This year's topics: public service announcments with emphasis on my cultic presentations.


Blogger B.O.R.T. said...

your questions are those to which some, but not all, seek answers eternally. "i'm fixing a hole where the rain gets in, to stop my mind from wandering, where it will go." etc. the beatles, people! they figured it out a while back. number 9, number 9... some things never change, they just look different (cuz you weren't alive the first time, unless you believe in past lives, in which case "you" still weren't really alive, anyway).

i enjoyed pondering your post and still wonder how the hell you're coming up with this stuff, but love it.

9:06 AM  

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