Monday, March 28, 2011

The Sunset Project (Ridgeway Apartment Complex Memos)

I read the entire series of Dragonlance books. It took eight years, pretty much a straight eight to read them all. I'm pretty fucked up when you think about it, reading shit like that for that amount of time. I got into a fantasy world and it felt a lot better than I thought it would. A lot better. Believe me, when it's orcs you're into, you're also into other weird shit, at least that's what they say. Actually, a lot of people never even knew what I was up to. The eight year estimate (actually very well documented hours spent), is a condensed time. It actually took 24 years, which means that 33% of my time was spent Lancing, 15% in Ansalon alone. That's a lot of time. It averages out to eight hours a day, coincidentally, and that can be brutal when you have an entire other life to live. If you have an entire other life to live. For me, no problems were had. You see what I'm implying, no need for explanation.

Anyway, because of this rather sick addiction and voluntary prison time I served, I've now gained a new perspective: you don't have to be a captain of industry to change the economy. Simply put, you can really throw a stick in the mechanics of capitalism by simply buying paperback Dragonlance books at rummage sales and reading them for years, producing practically nothing valuable to society and fucking everything by creating a fantasy world in my head. So, now that I've done my "homework," I'm leaning towards a new political affiliation. This affiliation, unlike other old time political philosophies dealing with societal change and/or stagnancy, complex economic systems, and militaristic threats, this will be solely based on the idea of 700,000 pages of fantasy novel fictionalization implanted into the cerebral cortex. That is, nothing will be related to reality, but everything will be much more real. Good luck fuckers - once this catches on we'll all be spending plenty of time imaging dark dungeon spaces and magical potions, even more so than Cheney and Rumsfeld ever dreamed of. See you in an eventual time space environment buried deep in the annals of Canadian misanthropy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Wisconsin Sodomy Project

Conceived at first as a homoerotic graphic fantasy novel by Scott Walker, and then added to by comrades Jeff and Scott Fitzgerald, this one of a kind program has finally been signed into law! Imagine this: all of the glamor and glitz of The Wizard of Oz combined with all of the hot, hard, pounding action of the naughtiest M-on-M or G-on-G film you can imagine. Well, it's being delivered to you Wisconsin, direct, and without any silly protection, if you know what I'm saying. This all comes on the heels of a very outwardly malicious and obvious homophobic campaign of fear waged on homosexuals only a few years ago by the same authors. Now they've finally come to realize that yes, some people like this kind of wet and wild, orgasmically splendorous activity, and they've decided to give it to us good. The best part is they finally grew the steamy and manly balls they so badly needed to introduce this without even so much as asking anybody if they'd like it - presumably because they knew the citizens have been so erotically starved that they've lost the ability to think clearly for themselves. So line up citizens and get ready for your future! You deserve it. And P.S. - there will be no "prison guards" to hinder anybody's activity!

As they say (and they mean it), "Fuck you Wisconsin, fuck you."

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Accentuating a variable rate death machine

One week later, not a step closer to a reliable future. I fear people are losing their grasp.

After the Saturday march, Sunday brought me fever and a great deal of stomach/bowel harm. There's an outside chance that a higher power (which is not on my side) was reigning down punishment. There's also a chance that I needed to cleanse my soul of negativity. There's also a chance that viruses and bacteria were planted in me to suppress me. There's also a chance that my body's natural filtering system was purging the debris it had collected in mass quantity over the previous two weeks - the normal debris of daily life is usually able to be expelled without harm through normal bowel movements, etc. Anyway I, and my resolve, live on. My feverish dreams of repetitive protest encounters made me want to remove myself from my own body, but I was, at the time, immobile.

Now, on to week 3, or rather, week 3 has almost ended. What will happen now? I'm not entirely sure, but I try to remain positive that things will resolve for the better and that society is not becoming a bit what I pessimistically think it might already be. The signs of my previous post becoming reality are clearly evident: the campaigns fueled by wealth seek to divide, and are probably effective. Every commercial break on the major networks features two ads by a Republican governor's organization or by Americans for Prosperity - a group making a full assault on Wisconsin day in and day out (check out their website if you don't believe me, and, if you have the guts, investigate who funds them).

TV:strong, people: weak. One day, I hope, people will at the very least rise up against their technological slave driving devices... or think about what shows up on their screens at the very least. This will be simple and won't actually cause us any public scrutiny or lost time at work like doing the same to public officials might.

C'est la vie.