Friday, March 30, 2012

Misguided use of dumping policies

Henry Millston loved Dire Straits music. He also loved collecting glassware, but nobody really knew about that side of him. That was the real misfortune for Henry. He had a deep collection of wonderful glass, yet everyone only knew him as a one-dimensional Dire Straits fan. A lot of people do follow lead singer Mark Knopfler even today, but very few of those people know how to say his name (or are afraid to) and thus call him, "the lead singer of Dire Straits." Henry actually pronounced his name correctly, but due to his having every Dire Straits album, people assumed he was trapped in a particular era. Even when his glass collection grew to contain modern pieces, people still asked him to attend lame '80s parties as a not-too-ironic friend whose make-up was assumed to primarily consist of the years 1981-1987.

Two days ago Henry melted down his entire cassette, CD, and LP collection for scrap. He actually had to pay the sanitary department of Toledo, Ohio $71.43 to take his toxic heap even though he assumed he would be paid some small amount. The city also fined him for having an exposed toxic flame and no muffler. He went home and smoked pot and his friend Steve stopped by and put on an REO Speedwagon album. Henry then realized that things would be much worse from now on as a deep fear set its claws into him.

Creepy Jesse the Mayhem Bee and other Fornicular Bullshit

Sometimes I don't say anything for months at a time. I sit quietly in a back room at a distance and watch the movie "Dune" over and over again without saying anything or moving. This is easy to do while watching Dune. It even slows your pulse. Pending further notice, I can sit and scar myself for months on end; no pain or emotion is able to penetrate my scaly skin.

The reckoning is here. Listen to your local prophet. 2012 is the year it ends. Life on earth, around for about 3.5 billion years, is now on the brink of extinction, report smart humans, who have been around for ~50,000 years, just 0.001% of the time that life has existed. Good riddance to wasteful, "life on earth," I say. On an unrelated note, humans have successfully evolved to be so advanced that they are completely capable of destroying our entire species very rapidly once they are able to find the right self-fulfilling demise prophecy sequence. The brighter side of things for less advanced species is that this is like winning the lottery - usually only people that have no concept of $500 million dollars win, and certain decay is the end result.

Anyway, who cares. I met this guy Arthur yesterday. He was Chinese and was put in charge of running a wind turbine. He can't speak very good English, but I can't speak any Chinese. I can't tell if he's 20 or 40. He tried to find me a bathroom but failed. That is the story of the week.

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