Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cat Lovers Unite

You'll all appreciate this. I'm just glad it ended the way it did:

Cat friend/fiend

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An honest answer for a clerk of justice

After working for a while now in a maintained manner, I have a few notes:

1) The principles of management
2) The principles of American business
3) The principles of ethics
4) The principles of profit

These are the things that have been recognized thus far. They are completely useless to me thus far, but I have optimistic hope in the future. I will learn. I will learn. The truth is on the horizon they tell me. Some say that heroin is like a return to the womb, and in Robert Anton's book Prometheus Rising, this appeals to an imprint, or program that us robotized humans have. I declare that the things I've learned in the working world will return me to the womb.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

40 old salts and a banquet hall

Several of the 40 visionaries:


Sparkman was what his friends called him. There was no logical reason for this really, but it made him paranoid nonetheless. He always thought they were laughing at him from behind the lunch counter. One day he went purely on his instinct and smashed his older model car through the front of the building, right into the office corridor. A red blood river reminded him of Sunday school. He puked.


Stockyard Crossroads at Dawn:

He wrote this:

Lurching, screaming internally --> pressure
Dangerous pride
Invisible goals
Lack of ability

In 1982 he got out on his own, all smoothed out. He had been programmed to treat his deepest feelings programmatically. Ignore the aspects that made him inefficient, that is. He had missions laid out for him that he didn't have to think much about. He made a good career for himself and never said much when asked a specific question. This kept him on good terms with people, especially the elderly, and he went on without much trouble.


She was part of a law suit; a long, arduous litigation of sorts. She had planned to get some quick cash, but was now bogged down with legal terms nobody understood. She was thankful, because, after all, she still had all of her limbs. She went home one night after a long day in court and ate Ramen noodles. She passed out from the heat of the stove and ate Pop-Tarts at 3 a.m. She never did forgive her father for feeding her that crap when she was younger. Three months later she lost the case and was expected, as punishment, to do 300 hours of community service. The job would be wiping down shelves at old man Flannigan's house.


He had an ice-cold smile (if there was such a thing) like a blue popsicle in January. Before his entry into real life every morning he thought restlessly about what else he could become. He made a promise to himself that he would do this every morning... in a controlled fashion as to not become overwhelmed by the known fact that he was on a slow, unremarkable march to the grave. Each morning he realized this anyway, but was too tired to care or exercise any control. Fuck it.


They met at Santos de la Rio last Saturday. He was an information junky and she was just a junky. They hit it off real well considering she took him for $40. They stayed up real late and watched shows like Grace Under Fire and I Dream of Genie. They hated those shows but were waiting for something to happen. He wished for someone that would understand him, and she was hoping he would fall asleep so she could take more of his shit. They ate some cold pizza and drank Tang. He got weird then and told her that he wished his nickname was Tanker. She got sick of his crap and smashed his bike into his music tower. He screamed and told her to get out. They never saw each other again, but they kept each other in mind. Both of them later contracted STD's from sleeping around.

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Succumbing to psychological malnutrition

I really busted up a good time a few weeks ago when I mentioned that Carissa Hoxtel had died recently. I didn't know her, but I did know of her. Her dad was my own dad's addiction counselor for years. Not ironically, she had her own demons, and I assume they eventually destroyed her. Sad.

I have recently received a large shipment of old-time goods from my original home. Boxes and boxes of stuff. Including, but not limited to, a 5th grade science book. Carissa H. had it in '86. I had it in '92. Strange.

Now try this, and answer (at least) numbers 57 and 70 honestly. I know I did, and I know I'm a fool. That was actually my psychologically correct personality profile - "simple fool." I always say, "I didn't win today, but there's always tomorrow."

MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Feb 21st, 2005, 10:29pm I have done quite a bit of research on the MMPI 2 used by psychological testing. Here's the first 75 out of 567 questions. I could give out rest of them & how some of them are interpeted by psychologists for advice on admitting past history on the psych & medical tests. See my post on "Help with Admissions for Psych & Medial"


1.I like mechanics magazines
2.I have a good appetite
3.I wake up fresh & rested most mornings
4.I think I would like the work of a librarian
5.I am easily awakened by noise
6.I like to read newspaper articles on crime
7.My hands and feet are usually warm enough
8.My daily life is full of things that keep me interested
9.I am about as able to work as I ever was
10.There seems to be a lump in my throat much of the time
11.A person should try to understand his dreams and be guided by or take warning from them
12.I enjoy detective or mystery stories
13.I work under a great deal of tension
14.I have diarrhea once a month or more
15.Once in a while I think of things too bad to talk about
16.I am sure I get a raw deal from life
17.My father was a good man
18.I am very seldom troubled by constipation
19.When I take a new, I like to be tipped off on whom should be gotten next to
20.My sex life is satisfactory
21.At times I have very much wanted to leave home
22.At times I have fits of laughing & crying that I cannot control
23.I am troubled by attacks of nausea and vomiting
24.No one seems to understand me
25.I would like to be a singer
26.I feel that it is certainly best to keep my mouth shut when I’m in trouble
27.Evil spirits possess me at times
28.When someone does me a wrong I feel I should pay him back if I can, just for the principle of the thing.
29.I am bothered by acid stomach several times a week
30.At times I feel like swearing
31.I have nightmares every few nights
32.I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job
33.I have had very peculiar and strange experiences
34.I have a cough most of the time
35.If people had not had it in for me I would have been much more successful
36.I seldom worry about my heath
37.I have never been in trouble because of my sex behavior
38.During one period when I was a youngster I engaged in petty thievery
39.At times I feel like smashing things
40.Most any time I would rather sit and daydream than to do anything else
41.I have had periods of days, weeks, or months when I couldn’t take care of things because I couldn’t “get going”
42.My family does not like the work I have chosen ( or the work I intend to choose for my life work)
43.My sleep is fitful and disturbed
44.Much of the time my head seems to hurt all over
45.I do not always tell the truth
46.My judgment is better than it ever was
47.Once a week or oftener I feel suddenly hot all over without apparent cause
48.When I am with people I am bothered by hearing very queer things
49.It would be better if almost all laws were thrown away
50.My soul sometimes leaves my body
51.I am in just as good physical health as most of my friends
52.I prefer to pass by school friends, or people I know but have not seen for a long time, unless they speak to me first
53.A minister can cure disease by praying and putting his hand on your head
54.I am liked by most people who know me
55.I am almost never bothered by pains over the heart or in my chest
56.As a youngster I was suspended from school one or more times for cutting up
57.I am a good mixer
58.Everything is turning out just like the prophets of the Bible said it would
59.I have often had to take orders from someone who did not know as much as I did
60.I do not read every editorial in the newspaper everyday
61.I have not lived the right kind of life
62.Parts of my body often have feeling like burning, tingling, crawling, or like “going to sleep”
63.I have had no difficulty in starting or holding my bowel movement
64.I sometimes keep on at a thing until others lose their patience with me
65.I loved my father
66.I see things or animals or people around me that others do not see
67.I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be
68.I hardly ever feel pain in the back of the neck
69.I am very strongly attracted by members of my own sex
70.I used to like drop-the-handkerchief

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nobody posts here (fuck this I'm leaving)

Ha! Just kidding. I will be around. I don't have any hard feelings. I'm not seeking justice. Really. I don't care. People probably have better things to do anyway. I know I do. That's why my posts won't be what they used to be. Soon. When I start my stuff. I really am a lone-wolf anyway. A McGyver if you will. A regular old Dick Cheney. I'll take a break for a while maybe, then you'll all come back. We'll see.

In some strange way, posting to nobody provides an amount of appeal to me. It's like barking at the moon, or talking to your dog. My dog, for example, likes Rush. Power Windows in fact, vinyl preferably. Mystic Rhythms relaxes her. Can somebody tell how many times that particular song has been referenced in this blog. God knows I'll eventually give in and look for myself. What god? Oh... the one that records useless, frivalous, but eventually useful information. My god. Truthfully, I'm thinking of building a database of thought so no gods will have to worry - mine and yours. Yours is already documented but bland. Also, talking to walls provides an outlet for stinging insult. You are one leaning shanty my friend. Broken windows and a weak frame.

Have you ever seen the Stepford Wives? I have, and boy is it a grand conspiracy flick, in a very anti-suburbia way. At first I thought it would just be classic Lifetime film, but it became a science fiction extravaganza. Occasionally I like to make a blind-side statement about things I like. That's the first thing that will be documented in my database.

Well, see you on the flip side Reggie. I'm glad that we're able to communicate electronically like this.

Chernobyl was a cancer joke

This is the real thing. Ha! Real cult members really do look like you'd expect - a cross between Dracula and a cave man, and I ain't talkin' about those cave men in that disastrous sitcom spun off from Geico (?)!

Apparently part of the reason for starting a cult is, "our cars suck man. They're so out of date. I guess that's how it is here in Russia. We should start a cult. Hopefully we'll be out of the cave in time for the new Indiana Jones Movie."

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

To be the cold brass

He was a standard man. No higher than a typical door, possesed a firm handshake, complained about his accounting job but didn't do anything about it. He passed the same kids on the way to work everyday. They probably saw him, but thought nothing of it. Compulsively, each night on the ride home, regardless of the conditions, he would think how it would be a terrible night to have a curse. It annoyed him as much as it annoys you. Enemies would be more difficult to defeat, and that was the harsh reality.

One night he took a different route home and drove his car into a river gorge. He didn't die, in fact, he walked with only scratches. He shook his magic eight ball and it predicted the same outcome. He left his car there and walked home. He was unable to go to work the next day but his friend Dave picked him up. He never told him what happened.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A New Generation...

...of devices that is... used to break loose from the death grips of boredom. And it's great really, the magic of technology. The new ability to use a remote to activate special sequences and to download nostalgia. But, contrary to common modern belief, there are many other ways to win the ancient war that pits humans vs. the dull realities that life has to offer, especially now that the weather is favorable. For example:

1) Heavy log splitting - used to practice dealing out crushing blows, is also known to soothe the mind and give one a sense of worth through labor.
2) Listen to your local police scanner - death and destruction surround us. Listen until either you're satisfied that you're not part of the mayhem, or until your ears bleed from all of the mayhem. Either way should pass the time. Guns are being fired as we speak not far from here. Soon I will find out who's responding.
3) Hallucinogens - with favorable weather, a long, walking trip-out can be dangerous... but hilarious. Use this one to inspire yourself.
4) Headbanging in the park (wear you Maiden shirt) - I've done this before. Many worthy people want to become your friend. You are approachable because you headbang, but some may perceive the awesome shirt you have as threatening. Trim your beard before hand, and also sing softly as this will increase your approachability.
5) Stand by an old dirty bus stop by your house. Clean up chicken bones and empty packs of smokes. This generous action will allow you to make up names and stories about people who pass by, unbeknownst to them. If it's a bad area of town, don't worry, nobody gets you if you're cleaning up trash. As a warning, wait until people have removed themselves from their own trash (>= 50 yards). I've been scolded and attacked within 20 yards. "Hey motherfucker, that's my Hi-C!" My corner, for example is alright - this is what was going on a few months ago. Search for "Teutonia." I'll make up a story about that guy later.

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